frequently asked questions

Who can register for the ICCA Congress? 

We welcome all ICCA Members and ICCA verified Associations to register for the ICCA Congress. Non-ICCA Members can register as Observers.

Please visit the registration page for a full overview of the registration fees and categories.  Note: All ICCA Members must sign in using their individual MyICCA credentials. If you do not have a MyICCA account, please request one from the main contact person within your organisation.  For any questions, please contact the ICCA Events Team at  

How much is the registration fee, and what does it cover? 

Please find an overview of the registration information and fees here. The registration fee covers your participation for the duration of the Congress, including any social programmes.  

Are there any discounts? 

The group registration discount is: For a group of 4 or more from the same organisation, purchase three full-price registrations and get the fourth for 15% off. Groups will soon be able to register together.  If you have any questions, please contact the ICCA Events Team at  

How can I pay my registration fee? 

Payment of the registration fee can be made by credit card or debit card. If you have any questions, please contact the ICCA Events Team at before registering.  

Can I bring an accompanying guest? 

Absolutely. We've set up a special category for Accompanying Guests who can join you onsite for the social programme only. You can add this option to your registration during the registration process. 

Please note that the Accompanying Guest category cannot be used to register a colleague. It is intended for a non-business guest.   

Can I cancel my registration?  

All registrations are subject to the cancellation policy. Please check out our Terms and Conditions  for more details.

Do I need a Visa to travel to Porto?  

Please check the Entry Requirements traveling to Portugal here. More information about visa inquiries will be included in the registration confirmation. 

Should you need further assistance regarding Visa’s, please feel free to reach out directly on

What should I know prior to my travel to Porto?  

Check out this page to prepare for your trip.

I want my brand to have international exposure. What sponsorship options are available? 

Sponsoring an ICCA Congress or another ICCA event is the smartest and most efficient way to improve the successful image of your organisation and win more business leads. ICCA sponsorship packages are tailor-made to ensure each ICCA sponsor achieves specific business goals. There are several sponsorship options and plenty of opportunities to showcase your company. Visit the sponsorship page or contact your ICCA Regional Director for more information.  

Where can I find the Congress Programme? 

We are currently working on the Congress Programme details. You can check the Preliminary Programme here.

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